Golang Cafe
Golang Cafe is the first Golang job board with no recruiters and clear salary ranges. You can apply directly to companies.
Salary Range information in each Job Ad
Golang Cafe will always have salary range information in each job ad. You should not waste your and the company's time if your expectations don't match with the salary range.
No Recruitment Agencies
Job Ads from third party recruitment agencies are not allowed on Golang Cafe.
Candidates speak directly to companies
Golang only Job Ads
Golang Cafe will be only for jobs where the main programming language is Go.
High-Quality Hand-Picked Jobs
All submitted jobs are manually reviewed and updated. All jobs that don't follow the standards above are not allowed on the platform.
Open Source
Golang Cafe is open source and licensed under BSD 3-Clause. It's written entirely in Go/HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
As of today the app is using PostgreSQL as primary data store and it's being hosted on DigitalOcean.
Golang Cafe Socials
If you have any questions, feedback or support request please feel free to reach us out Golang Cafe Support