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Juan Felipe Forero Forero
Currently Available
Bogota, Colombia 🇨🇴

Experience Level: Junior
Work Preference: full-time, part-time, contract, internship
Last Updated July 2023

gRPC GraphQL Rest API PostgreSQL MongoDB TypeScript JavaScript Microservices Go Redis


I am a Golang developer with a focus on microservices with technologies such as gRPC, GraphQL, also REST API design, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc. I've developed several personal projects with Go, such as an indexer that takes information out of a large database file, processes the information, and sends it to ZincSearch to be indexed, finally to a Vue.js client, the user searches up a term, and the Zincsearch API gives back the fields that contain that term. Also, I have a cloud-native microservices eCommerce web application project, that is composed of 3 services, using gRPC and Protobufs for communication between services. This project is structured using hexagonal architecture, It uses Github actions to automate the creation of protobuf files. Includes observability with the following stack: Jaeger, Prometheus, Fluent Bit, Elasticsearch, Kibana.