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Manigandan Dharmalingam
Currently Available
Bangalore, India 🇮🇳

Experience Level: Senior
Work Preference: full-time
Last Updated December 2022

Go NodeJS PostgreSQL MongoDB Kubernetes NATS NSQ


I am Manigandan, I'm having overall 8+ years of experience in developing microservices and web applications. I have production-level experience in writing code using Golang (6+ years), NodeJS, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, gRPC, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, NATS, NSQ, Kafka, Zookeeper, and Elasticsearch. I am one of the Founding Backend engineer at Squadcast an On-call and reliability platform, build 90% of the backend system and maintained and scaled the product to handle 3M alerts, 2M Incidents, and 5M Notifications per month. Most of the time I have worked with early-stage startups, as Founding Engineer, #3, #5 engineer building products from scratch, and adding features to the existing systems. I have contributed to the Go oAuth library. I'm looking for better opportunities to work with smart minds in high-energy startups where the scale is massive. Please refer to my resume for portfolios and projects that I have worked on. GitHub: Linkedin: